
Redraw the current DOM elements based on string input.


const { redrawSnippet } = await signalize.resolve('snippets');



Simple redraw

Redraws snippets in the current DOM based on string input.

<div snippet="snippet-1">Hello ...</div>
<div snippet="snippet-2"></div>

<button id="button">Redraw</button>

<script type="importmap">{
  "imports": {
    "signalizejs": "",
    "signalizejs/mutation-observer": "",
    "signalizejs/snippets": "",
    "signalizejs/event": ""

<script type="module">
    import Signalize from 'signalizejs';

    const { resolve } = new Signalize();
    const { redrawSnippet, on } = await resolve('snippets', 'event');

    on('click', '#button', () => {
        // Redraw snippets based on HTML input
            <div snippet="snippet-1">Hello World!</div>
            <div snippet="snippet-2">Clicked</div>

The default snippet action is replace, but you can also append/prepend children. This is useful for example efor carousels and product lists.

<ul snippet="list" snippet-action="append-children">
    <li>Item - prerendered</li>

<button id="button">Redraw</button>

<script type="importmap">{
  "imports": {
    "signalizejs": "",
    "signalizejs/mutation-observer": "",
    "signalizejs/snippets": "",
    "signalizejs/event": ""

<script type="module">
    import Signalize from 'signalizejs';

    const { resolve } = new Signalize();
    const { redrawSnippet, on } = await resolve('snippets', 'event');

    on('click', '#button', () => {
        // Redraw snippets based on HTML input
            <ul snippet="list" snippet-action="append-children">
                <li>Item - added</li>

Overriding Configuration

Let’s say we send a request to the server and get the response. In the content, there are snippets configured using HTML attributes. We need to change the way they will be rendered. This can be done by passing options into the redrawSnippet method.

<ul snippet="list" snippet-action="replace">
    <li>Product 1</li>

<button snippet="button" id="button">Load products</button>

<script type="importmap">{
  "imports": {
    "signalizejs": "",
    "signalizejs/mutation-observer": "",
    "signalizejs/snippets": "",
    "signalizejs/event": ""

<script type="module">
    import Signalize from 'signalizejs';

    const { resolve } = new Signalize();
    const { redrawSnippet, on } = await resolve('snippets', 'event');

    on('click', '#button', () => {
        const response = `
            <ul snippet="list" snippet-action="replace">
                <li>Product 2</li>
            <button snippet="button" id="button" disabled>

        redrawSnippet(response, {
            snippets: {
                // snippet name: { snippet configuration }
                list: {
                    // Product 1 will not be replaced
                    // The Product 2 will be added to the list
                    snippetActions: ['append-children']
                button: {
                    // "disabled" attribute will be added
                    // Text will remain the same
                    snippetActions: ['sync-attributes']

Attribute Directives

  • snippet: This attribute is used to define a snippet. All elements with a snippet attribute that are in the new content are synchronized with those on the page.
  • snippet-action: This attribute tells the snippets module how the snippet should be synchronized:
    • replace: This will replace the actual snippet with a new one.
    • append-children: This will take the children of the new snippet and append them to the end of the actual snippet.
    • prepend-children: This will take the children of the new snippet and add them at the start of the actual snippet.
    • replace-children: This will replace all inner children.
    • sync-attributes: This will synchronize all attributes on the existing snippet with those on the new snippet.

The snippet-action can contain several actions:

<div snippet-action="sync-attributes replace-children"></div>

Dispatched Events

You can listen to the following events through the on function:

  • snippets:redraw:start: This event is triggered when the synchronization of the created DOM from the data argument starts.
  • snippets:redraw:end: This event is triggered when the synchronization ends.
  • snippets:redraw:transition:start: This event is triggered when the browser supports view transitions and the transition starts.
  • snippets:redraw:transition:end: This event is triggered when the view transition ends.