
Add a scope to an element prototype.

The scope function is used, for example, inside Signalize bindings, directives, and several other features.

The purpose of this module is to help developers attach encapsulated data to the DOM node prototype without polluting the prototype or causing collisions with existing methods.


Required import map dependencies:
const { scope } = await signalize.resolve('scope');



const element = document.querySelector('#element');

// Get element scope
const elementScope = scope(element);

// Modify or create an element scope
const elementScope = scope(element, (elementScope) => {
	elementScope.customProperty = '';

const { $el, $parentScope, $cleanup, $data } = elementScope;

$cleanup(() => {
	// Add cleanup to a node or element when it is removed from the DOM

// Add custom data
// Added keys to data are accessible directly from elementScope
// elementScope.customData
// If key is removed from data, it is removed from elementScope.
$data.customData = 'Hello World!';