
Wrapper around console (log, info, warning, error) for sending JS log info to the server.


Required import map dependencies:
import loggerModule from 'signalizejs/logger';

const signalize = new Signalize({
	modules: [
				// URL where the logs will be sent
				url: '',
				// Optional
				// What type of info should be sent
				// Default is "error" only
				levels: ['log', 'warning', 'error']


The logger plugin starts automatically and doesn’t have any API:

  • After the module setup, the logger will automatically start sending requests to the configured endpoint.
  • The default level that is sent is error only.
  • You can change it by passing levels during initialization.

Handling errors on the server side

The logger sends a JSON with the following keys:

  • message: Error message text.
  • file: File path.
  • lineNumber: Line number where the error occured.
  • columnNumber: Column numberwhere the error occured.
  • stack: Call stack