Creating Custom Modules

Learn how to define a custom ES module for the Signalize JavaScript Framework. Create a new set of functions, define a new page with lazy initialization, etc.

Module Boilerplate

A module in terms of Signalize is a simple export:

  • The export function can be asynchronous.
  • The module config can be optional.
  • The first argument is the Signalize instance in which the module was initialized.
export default async (signalizeInstance, moduleConfig) => {
	return {
		// Functionality you want to return, if any

Definition example

Module definition:

// my-module.js
export default (signalize, config) => {
	const myFunction = (content) => alert(content);

	return {

Lazy module usage:

<script type="importmap">
		"imports": {
			"my-module": "/public/path/to/my-module.js"
	import Signalize from 'signalizejs';
	const { resolve } = new Signalize({
		params: {
				"my-module" is found as a key in params, therefore the value of "my-module" will be passed
				into the resolved module and merged with the direct config.
			'my-module': {}

	const { myFunction } = await resolve('my-module');
	// Or with direct config as a completely new instance of the module separate from others
	const { myFunction } = await resolve(['my-module', { /* Direct Config */ }]);

	myFunction('Hello World!');

More about modules initialization can be found on the introduction page.