
Create reusable web components with minimum effort.


Required import map dependencies:
const { component } = await signalize.resolve('component');



This function is used to define a new web component.

To define a web component, you only need to call the component function with the name of the element. All other arguments are optional.

The simplest definition of a web component can look like this:


<my-element />

This registers my-element as a custom element.

Web Component Options

The setup function receives the following arguments:

  • $el: The current component element.
  • $: The current signalize instance.
  • $refs: Returns an element or array of elements based on the ref attribute. For example, $refs.field would return the element with ref="field".
  • $parent: Returns the parent component. You can call it with $parent() or specify the parent’s name like $parent('custom-parent').
  • $adopted: An asynchronous function called in the native web component’s adoptedCallback hook.
  • $connected: An asynchronous function called in the native web component’s connectedCallback hook.
  • $disconnected: An asynchronous function called in the native web component’s disconnectedCallback hook.
component('my-element', {
		Props as an Array
		All props are passed into `$data` and become publicly accessible.
		Each property becomes a Signal.
		Configured property names are included in the `observedAttributes` field.
		This means that when a property attribute's value changes on an element,
		the new value is automatically passed to the corresponding Signal.
		For example, a prop named `"some-prop"` will be converted to a camelCase variable named `someProp`.
	props: ['some-prop'],
	props: {
		// key: default value
		someProp: ''
	shadow: {
		// A native shadowRoot options
	// Right before component constructor exits
	setup({ $props, $el, $adopted, $connected, $disconnected }) {
		const { someProp } = $props;

		$adopted(() => {});
		$connected(() => {});
		$disconnected(() => {});

		return {  /* Public data added to prototype */ }
    <form ref="form">
        <input ref="text">
        <button>First Form Submit</button>


    <form ref="form">
        <input ref="text">
        <button>Second Form Submit</button>

<script type="importmap">{
  "imports": {
    "signalizejs": "",
    "signalizejs/event": "",
    "signalizejs/mutation-observer": "",
    "signalizejs/scope": "",
    "signalizejs/signal": "",
    "signalizejs/strings/cases": "",
    "signalizejs/component": ""

<script type="module">
import Signalize from 'signalizejs';

const { resolve } = new Signalize();
const { component } = await resolve('component');

// Because there are two scope="my-form"
// This defined scope will be inited twice
// for each matched element
component('my-form', {
    setup({ $refs, cleanup  }) {
        $refs.form.onsubmit = () => {

Passing Properties to a Child Component

There are two main ways to pass data down to a child component in Signalize:

  1. Using Hooks: The parent component can listen to an event emitted by the child component when it initializes.
  2. Using Directives (Optional): If you plan to use directives for data binding, you can also pass data that way.

Using Hooks

The parent component can listen to an event emitted by the child component when it initializes. This event can be used to pass data from the parent to the child.

    <p ref="output"></p>

    <child-component ref="child">
        <button ref="button">
            Increment: <span ref="count"></span>

<script type="importmap">{
  "imports": {
    "signalizejs": "",
    "signalizejs/bind": "",
    "signalizejs/directives/for": "",
    "signalizejs/directives/if": "",
    "signalizejs/dom/traverser": "",
    "signalizejs/evaluator": "",
    "signalizejs/event": "",
    "signalizejs/mutation-observer": "",
    "signalizejs/scope": "",
    "signalizejs/signal": "",
    "signalizejs/strings/cases": "",
    "signalizejs/component": "",
    "signalizejs/directives": ""

<script type="module">
import Signalize from 'signalizejs';

const { resolve } = new Signalize();
const { component, signal, bind, on } = await resolve(
    'directives', 'component', 'signal', 'event', 'bind'

component('parent-component', ({ $refs }) => {
    const count = signal(1);

    on('component:setuped', $refs.child, ({ detail }) => {
        // 1. Pass initial value

        // 2. Watch for child component signal change{ newValue }) => {

    bind($refs.output, { text: [count, () => `Count affected from child: ${count}`] });

component('child-component', {
    props: {
        count: 0
    setup({ $props, $refs }) {
        const { count } = $props;
        on('click', $refs.button, () => count(count() + 1));
        bind($refs.count, { text: count });


If you choose to bind properties through directives:

  • Use :property-name="js code" syntax, like :count="count".
  • This method uses two-way data binding, allowing the child component to modify the parent’s data.
    <p :text="'Count affected from child:' + count"></p>

    <child-component :count="count">
        <button @click="count(count() + 1)">
            Increment: <span :text="count"></span>

<script type="importmap">{
  "imports": {
    "signalizejs": "",
    "signalizejs/bind": "",
    "signalizejs/directives/for": "",
    "signalizejs/directives/if": "",
    "signalizejs/dom/traverser": "",
    "signalizejs/evaluator": "",
    "signalizejs/event": "",
    "signalizejs/mutation-observer": "",
    "signalizejs/scope": "",
    "signalizejs/signal": "",
    "signalizejs/strings/cases": "",
    "signalizejs/component": "",
    "signalizejs/directives": ""

<script type="module">
import Signalize from 'signalizejs';

const { resolve } = new Signalize();
const { component, signal } = await resolve(
    'directives', 'component', 'signal'

component('parent-component', () => ({
    count: signal(1)

component('child-component', {
    props: {
        count: 0