How to install Signalize in

Learn how to install the Signalize framework in your applications easily and quickly.

Install Signalize

Use NPM, PNPM or Yarn:

npm i signalizejs

yarn add signalizejs

pnpm i signalizejs


Create src/assets/layout.js and add the following code to it:

import Signalize from 'signalizejs';

export const signalize = new Signalize();

Open your layout file (like src/layouts/main.astro) and add the following code to it:

// 1. Get signalizejs url
import signalize from 'signalizejs?url';

// 2. Get event module url. This applies for all modules you will need.
import eventModuleUrl from 'signalizejs/event?url';

// 3. Define importmap
const importMap = JSON.stringify({
	imports: {
		// 4. Configure necessary modules
		'signalizejs/event': eventModuleUrl,
		// Other modules you need

		<!-- 5. Embed the import map -->
		<script type="importmap" :html={importMap}></script>
		<!-- 6. Create a global Signalize instance -->
			import "../assets/layout.js";
		<slot />

Usage uses Vite and internally converts your scripts into ES modules. Converted scripts are imported only once.

Thanks to this feature, we can import the Signalize instance from layout.js directly without worrying about duplicated code in our page.js.

// src/pages/index.astro
import MainLayout from '../layouts/main.astro';
		import { signalize } from '../assets/layout.js';
		import type { on } from 'signalizejs/event';

		// 7. Signalize instance will be used from window object
		// Types are used from source files
		const { on } = await signalize.resolve<{ on: on }>('event');

How to pass Props to Components

Below is an example showing how to pass props to a child component:

  • Create a child component
  • Destruct props object in the child component from Astro.props;
  • Pass props object to the child component as property from the place where you want to use the component

The child component:

// src/components/MyComponent.astro
const { props = {} } = Astro.prorps

import { signalize } from '/path/to/instance.js';

const { component } = await signalize.resolve('component');

component('my-component', {
	props: ['some-property'],
	setup({ $props }) {
		const { someProperty } = $props;

<my-component { ...props } />


import MyComponent from 'src/components/MyComponent.astro';

<MyComponent props={{ someProp: 'Some Value' }} />